Code of Conduct.
Who is this policy for?
This policy is for all employees of Hand Brew Co and our connected businesses and any customers, individuals or contractors at our places of business or external events hosted by us.
What is this policy for?
We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive experience for all of our staff and customers. We aim to provide an environment in which everyone feels comfortable and in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities and fair treatment for all.
We undertake the responsibility to create a harassment-free experience for everyone.
WE DO NOT and WILL NOT tolerate harassment of any kind.
To be clear, harassment is:
Any form of behaviour intended to intimidate a person or make them feel unwelcome or uncomfortable.
Repeated interactions with a person after they have made it clear that further interaction is unwelcome.
Clearer still, harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal comments (including micro-aggressions) that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnerships, disability, physical appearance, body size, pregnancy and maternity, paternity, national origin, race, age, religion or belief.
Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following.
Harassing photography or recording.
Sustained disruption.
Inappropriate physical or online contact.
Repeated invasion of personal space through continued, unwanted or pestering behaviour by an individual.
Unwelcome sexual attention.
Inviting or coercing a person into drinking a lot of alcohol in order to make them vulnerable.
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour.
This includes any staff member, vendor, contractor or customer.
Anyone found to be breaching the harassment policy on our premises or at any hosted event will be sanctioned or removed from the premises (if rules are violated during a Hand Brew Co hosted event we will not offer a refund - if applicable in the circumstance).
If employees, contractors, or anyone representing Hand Brew Co are found to be violating these rules, individuals will face appropriate disciplinary action, as per our disciplinary policy.
Individuals who violate these rules will be excluded from future initiatives and or events organised by Hand Brew Co.
The effects of alcohol consumption will not excuse harassing behaviour.
Any individual who is asked to stop conducting harassing behaviour is expected to comply immediately - with no exceptions.
Hand Brew Co. expects individuals to abide by, and comply, across all platforms/public communication, online and at in-person events.
Reporting Harassment
If you are being harassed, or witness harassment of another individual, please contact us immediately or call out the behaviour if you feel safe and comfortable to do so - please do not put yourself in danger.
We will treat all complaints of harassment seriously and will investigate them promptly, efficiently and in confidence with a view to taking such action we consider necessary.
You can do this by reaching out to, and contacting us via the following methods we will prioritise your complaint and we will come back to you as soon as we are able to:
Email us - hello@handbrewco.com
In person:
If you are at the Hand Brew Co brewery (Worthing), the Hand in Hand pub (Brighton) or the Toad in the Hole pub (Worthing) or any Hand Brew Co hosted event and you experience or witness harassment of any kind, please speak to us.
For staff members, please reach out to either Jen, Clark, Jack or Kate - our door is always open to you.