Rebranding a Beer and Other Ideas
If you’ve gotta lotta love for Otto, you gotta love the new look a lot. We’ve rebranded our nitro stout, Otto, but don’t fear, it’s the exact same great beer. Read about how and why we did it.

Art You Can Drink
We plaster ‘Art You Can Drink’ everywhere. It’s a big deal to us. We do it because Art is nearly as important as beer and we want to highlight the relationship between them. This is where the idea came from.

The Name Game
A journey into naming beers. From meaningful to meaningless via does it really matter to yes it really does, I write about how and why we name our beers what we name them.

Staggering in the Dark
The night. The beer. The documentary. Read about how coming together for a night at The Hand in Hand to share memories of lost loved ones and stories of grief is good for the soul. Then listen to the new BBC Radio 3 documentary about it.

Something Evil This Way Comes…
A very exciting collaboration with Jamil Zainasheff and Mitch Steele, famous for their awesome Californian monster, Evil3, a West Coast Triple IPA they originally made with Mike ‘Tasty’ McDole at Heretic.

The Hand Specials
We think all of our beers are special, but we call some of them ‘specials’. Why do we create so many?!

Shootin Gluten
Our multi-award-winning Original Pale ale, Shaka, and David Shrigley’s Grapefruit Pale Ale, Toadlicker, are now both gluten free. But why do we need gluten free beer? Why are people asking for it? Who’s all this for?

I’m learning.
Hello. My name’s Clark (that’s me in the bushes). I’m one of the founding directors of Hand Beer Company (Brewery and Pubs). I’m going to start blogging here on our website about our company, products, people and the industry in general.